Friday, May 3, 2013

How to Fix iTunes 3194 Error 21 and 1013 Error Yeah

I recently review on apple forum, where mostly people talk about ITunes 3194 and 1013 error, many looking for 21 solutions, so I decide to write a post for resolving their issues easily. This is not a big issue so you don’t need for worry, just you have to know little bit basic about ITunes using in your particular smart device.

Just notice that, if this error is occurred after jail breaking than you have another solution for solving these issues. (Below this post)

Why iTunes 3194, 1013 Error Occurred

Whenever you upgrade any system than previous installation automatically removed or doesnt support to latest version. Both these error ITunes Error (3194, 1013) related to this issue.

Updating of IOS Devices

Mostly time you see 3194 Error after moving from latest IOS version, usually IOS 5, 4 to IOS 6. I recently discussing about rosette stone error, same problem here for iPhone users.

It’s a default apple devices system for security purposes. Apple devices older firmware doesnt support any latest installation except some devices. But mostly mobiles couldnt bypass this surety hurdles easily and result you are here for searching these errors.

For some circumstances you just solved these issues with just deleting any installed antivirus or enable firewall security.

Itune Error on PC

In this situation any installation via windows you see this error on your PC screen.Same error you will see in your I phone screen, just like this Image below.

Itune Error on Iphone

Process of Getting out of iTunes 3194

Just Stop ITunes installation immediately, and do some essential things for resolving this issue. First download Tiny umbrella files for both PC and I phone for deleting all previous version files completely.

These two files are required just 1MB to 3 MB space, so don’t worry about that.After completion of installation in both of systems than open the advance tab of you particular device and unchecked this option for removing previous data.

Just unchecked third option that you will be seeing in this image, and don’t be finger on other options otherwise you is in trouble like SHSH and request SHSH for Cydia.

SHSH error Iphone

There are other alternative methods for resolving iTunes 3194 Error 21 and 1013, but I found only this method is the best for you. Many people also helping you out through HOSTS, but I warn, if any thing will be going in wrong direction than you may be penalty for this.

After fixing iTunes 3194 Error make sure you again install other antivirus or enable firewall security, if these errors remove by just touching with.

Resolving Error 21 and 1013 by just installation of Registry cleaner

I review a site that solving these issue with download this registry cleaner.If this is for free than I advice you to download this and review these steps if these error occurred after installation of jailbreak.You can also review these discussion on apple support.